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About Silktide Index

What is the Silktide Index?

The Silktide Index evaluates the web accessibility of worldwide organizations and assigns them a score based on their level of compliance with the globally-recognized standard for web accessibility, WCAG.

Public and private sector organizations are included, and the reports are compiled using Silktide's automated web accessibility testing technology.

You may be wondering what this means for your organization and what steps you can take to improve your website's accessibility, so we list useful information and explanations for the accessibility issues found.

How does your website compare?

Search for your website and if we've tested it, you'll see a report outlining the top accessibility problems we've found. If your website doesn't appear, request we add your category.

Raising accessibility awareness

Silktide helps large organizations create more accessible websites. Sadly, many people still do not understand or consider accessibility, so we aim to change that.

Learn about accessibility

Free accessibility book

Get your free accessibility book, written for non-experts, to guide you through the most common accessibility issues. Understand the impact of poor accessibility and learn how to improve.

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Free accessibility resources

We've produced articles, webinars, educational videos, and tools to help you get started with web accessibility, and it's all available for free.

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